How to become a Bodybuilder

We believe that connecting in the partnership through finances and prayer is one of the ways that God builds His church, furthers His kingdom and reveals His glory. We believe that partnering in the Living Stones Campaign will bring blessing to everyone involved.

Who is a Bodybuilder

We see a Bodybuilder as
  • someone who wants to see the Glory of God and has faith in His power to do more than we ask or imagine.
  • someone who wants to be a good steward of the relationships he has with others and strengthen those relationships so that people become closer to God and closer to others.
  • someone who wants to use his time, talents and treasures to build up the body of Christ – the Church.
  • someone who would commit to becoming a partner of the Elim Church vision in the following way
Please prayerfully consider gathering a group of friends, disciples or family members who would join together for a common purpose to pray for and put together an amount of 500 or 1000 USD till the end of August 2009 to bring life to one of the dead stones in Elim Church.
We only need 50 gifts at the $500 level and 50 at the $1000 level to meet our goal for this campaign! We need 100 Bodybuilders.
Now to him that is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us, please -